(833) 963-3030


Effective Private Investigators In Los Angeles, CA

There is a myth that private investigators operate the same way as FBI or CIA agents do. People believe that private investigators are only required when illegal and catastrophic events happen; that is not the case. Private investigators can be more beneficial than you think. Here are some of the service they offer:

  • Conduct background checks and obtain information about people, businesses, and offers.
  • Locate and recover lost or stolen property.
  • Investigate scenes and gather evidence to support legal claims.

Certainly, surveillance is not a task that anyone can conduct. You will need experts who can deliver practical answers within the margin of the law. We just realized we just described ourselves.

The Gadite Group is a security service company in Los Angeles that offers private investigations. With over a decade of security consulting experience and experts in the field, our private investigators will answer your questions discreetly. You can contact one of our private investigators by clicking the link below.

We Are The Best On The Field

"Elementary, my dear Watson," is something Sherlock Holmes would have said if he was referring to us. We are confident enough to state that claim. Here is why:

  • Strategic partnership with Ironhorse Investigative Services. Our investigators involve military veterans, law enforcement veterans, and civilian agents with extensive experience within the field. Our team can accomplish the unthinkable while remaining within the law.
  • We excel in investigations for different working areas. The Gadite Group delivers effective and thorough investigations for your professional and personal needs. If you need evidence for court cases, locate stolen items, or have concerns about someone's action, we got you.
  • We equipped our team with the most modern technologies. We constantly innovate. The Gadite Group strives to always be up to date with the current security and technology resources to provide the required solutions to our clients' modern needs.

"There Is Nothing More Deceptive Than An Obvious Fact"

Sherlock Holmes once said. Get the answers you need to feel at peace of mind by hiring The Gadite Group's private detectives in Los Angeles. Our job guarantees professionalism, honesty, and integrity. Start answering your questions; we will do the rest.

Free Security Assessment



PHONE: (833) 963-3030
EMAIL: info@gaditegroupinc.com
7120 Hayvenhurst Ave.
Suite 104
Van Nuys, CA 91406


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